Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
3 Mar 2010
Underhill Town Hall
Call to Order 7:05
Tom Moore, Jerry Adams, Steve Webster, Bob Murphy, Peter Duval (by phone, 7:15)
1) Vermont Community Energy Mobilization
Steve reviewed the house visit procedures and the status of the project. We have interest from approximately 20+4+3=27 houses in Underhill and Jericho. We need 40 minimum to meet the requirements of the grant. 13 houses are scheduled for the 13th.
Checklists for what to bring to the houses are at the warehouse. Jerry asked if we needed all of the safety equipment, particularly the respirators. He is concerned that wearing insulation protection could distress the homeowner, who is not protected. Also, slip-on mukluk-style shoe covers would be nice to have for walking through the houses.
Homeowners will complete a preliminary information worksheet online -- and a waiver form. A report will be generated for homeowners.
Notice has been posted on two towns online. The town meeting oral report included mention of the project. Tom suggested that a sandwich board could be placed somewhere in town to remind residents of the free service and thanked Steve.
2) Town Hall
Bob reported that there is still some follow-up to be done with John Ashton on the project. The meeting room is very warm, even when it is unoccupied. Setback thermostats will help manage the temperature.
3) Town Meeting Results
Jerry remarked that the nearly blank ballot is an indication of the direction of the town. The Center's post office is always at risk of closing. Jerry noted the loss of the dump as a social place. The stores may soon be the only remaining social places. Can we update the heating system at the post office? There was additional discussion of post offices.
4) What's Next?:
Tom asked us to think about what we should work on next.
Steve mentioned educational activities.
Peter asked if we could bring attention to stores with reports on energy and financing, so that the town could begin to consider community development. Steve suggested that we look at transportation aspects of the stores and post office.
Peter mentioned development in Underhill Flats, and the possibility of a large thermal load, a pool. A brief discussion of cogeneration, district energy, and wood chips followed.
5) Regular Meetings:
It was decided that the regular meetings will be moved to the second Wednesdays of the month. Jerry will discuss the change with Faith.
6) Adjournment:
MOTION (Jerry, Bob): To adjourn. UNANIMOUS 9:09pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Peter Duval, Secretary
06 March 2010
01 March 2010
March Agenda
Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
3 March 2010 (due to conflicts and town meeting day)
Underhill Town Hall
Call to Order
1) Agenda
2) Public Comment
3) Minutes Approval
4) Correspondence
Old Business:
5) VT Community Energy Mobilization
6) _____________________
7) _____________________
New Business:
8) Preparation for Annual Organization
9) _____________________
Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
3 March 2010 (due to conflicts and town meeting day)
Underhill Town Hall
Call to Order
1) Agenda
2) Public Comment
3) Minutes Approval
4) Correspondence
Old Business:
5) VT Community Energy Mobilization
6) _____________________
7) _____________________
New Business:
8) Preparation for Annual Organization
9) _____________________
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