14 October 2009

Meeting Notes 7 Oct 2009

Notes 7 October 2009
Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
Wednesday 7 October 2009
Underhill Town Hall

Present: Bob Murphy, Chuck Weger, Peter Duval.
Guest: Nate Sullivan (7:20)

Failing to attain a quorum, we were unable to call the meeting to order. We proceeded with informational reports from the members present...

Town Hall Update
Bob is working on specifications for the ceiling insulation project. He would like to see lighting renovated and recessed fixtures replaced with surface-mounted fixtures. The Selectboard would like all work to be accomplished by contractors rather than volunteers.

Harvest Market
Chuck reported that there was a lot of traffic at the booth. The bike generator was popular. Two VEEP representatives helped staff the booth. Steve Webster figured out how to fit a big tent into the booth space. Not much literature was taken from the booth and no one signed up to join the Energy Committee.

Green Home Exhibition
The Underhill Energy Committee was not represented at the Green Home Exhibition. Bob reported that it was poorly attended.

Energy Tour
Chuck reported that the Energy Tour was poorly attended, with 1-4 visitors at each home. Noting that this was the first year for the tour, we discussed ways to increase participation in the future:
1) annual repetition of the tour would build anticipation of the event;
2) charging a fee for the tour would establish value for the tour.

Town Garage
Nate Sullivan joined us for a discussion of immediate repairs to improve the situation at the Town Garage. Improving the collar around the flue stack is important. Door sealing was also discussed, but the benefits are weak in this situation.

Bituthene and its many virtues were discussed.

It is budget season and we should submit our request to the Selectboard.

Respectfully Submitted,
Peter K Duval, Secretary

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