11 December 2009

December Meeting Minutes

[Retyped from the scanned image of notes by Irene]
MINUTES -- December 1, 2009
Present: Ch. Tom Moore, Bob Murphy, Gerry Adams, Steve Webster, Irene

1. The Committee looked at the Town Hall insulation job, estimated to
be finished Friday, December 4. Bob will speak to John Ashton with
questions regarding the windows and the protective (insulating) cover
of the access door in the ceiiling of the Administrator/Auditors'
office. The closure should be sealed. They will also discuss a date to
make the blower test, when John, Tom, and Bob can all attend.

2. Another bid is needed for the lighting installation in the big
hall. Tom will speak to Jim Ward. Bob will speak to Green Mt. Electric.

3. None present will be attending the Energy Conference in Fairlee.

4. Grant proposal: Steve Webster will finish the application, due
December 4th. He has talked to Paul Markowitz. Underhill will explore
joining with Charlotte and Shelburne in order to ease the reaching of
the 80-family goal required by the grant. There will be a training
date (if we get the grant) sometime between January and April. The
"help" would include checking on energy-efficient light bulbs, hot
water tank wraps, furnace servicing record, etc. We will pursue
getting information out to find people who need and want help with
these things.

5. Irene will attempt to get information about the School's plans for
energy savings programs.

6. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Next meeting January 6, 2010.
[Is this date a typo? The first Tuesday is January 5.]

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