30 August 2008

BYO Project Ideas

During Energy Night there will be demonstrations and displays of interesting energy projects. We will be popping popcorn on a rocket stove, tasting some solar-baked beans, and seeing the projects designed by you.

Here are some ideas:

  • Rocket Stove: There are many different designs. search YouTube for "Rocket Stove", or get started by looking at the videos on the underhillenergy channel.
  • Twig Stoves, which might also be called Rocket Stoves. Again, search YouTube.

  • Solar Oven. Here again, there are many variations. The basic cardboard box stove seems to be the most cost-effective. Can you cook meringue cookies in a pizza box version of the solar oven?
  • Solar Hot Dog Cooker


  • Kites and other flying things
  • Pinwheels, Wind driven machines
Posters, Reports

  • How does the Town Pond work?
  • How does the Trash Sticker work?

29 August 2008

Energy Night and Day

For Immediate Release
August 28, 2008

Contact: Peter Duval, 899-1132, underhillenergycommittee@gmail.com


Energy Night
Have you built a "twig stove" -- a lightweight wood gasifying camp stove made from a couple of metal cans? Did you write a research paper about recycling? Perhaps you know how to bake cookies using a pizza box, aluminum foil, bubble wrap and a bit of sunshine. Or, maybe you authored a pleasant poem about anaerobic digestion. You are invited to bring your energy project -- whatever it is -- to Energy Night, Friday, September 12 at the Underhill Town Hall.

Energy Night is a film fest, potluck supper and project display. It begins at 5:30 with some short animated films, "The Energy Carol" and "What on Earth".

At 6:00, we break for an hour of potluck and project demonstrations. Help fire up the rocket stove to cook some fresh popcorn. Taste the solar bean stew, slow-cooked in a solar box oven. Crank up a human-powered generator. Measure your power output on a rowing ergometer.

Around 7:00 the film fest continues with the themes of human power and energy. See some excellent films, including "Return of the Scorcher" and "We are Traffic," about bicycle culture and history. After the movies, hurry home to sleep so that you are wide awake for Energy Day.

Energy Day
Saturday, September 13. At 9:00 AM, George Hoguet will talk about climate change from a local perspective. Doughnuts and coffee provided.

At 10:30, Bob Murphy will explain Efficiency Vermont and the incentives that are available for energy efficiency projects.

11:30-1:00 There will be an Energy Fair, with exhibits by contractors and retailers, including The Solar Store and Bugbee Insulation.

Remember to buy a composter at the Town Clerk's Office; proceeds support the Underhill Energy Committee and this free event. For more information, google "underhillenergycommittee", email underhillenergycommittee@gmail.com, or call 899-1132.

25 August 2008

Composter Sale

Available now at the Underhill Town Hall...
The Soilsaver Classic Composter.  

It is a really good deal at $50.
Proceeds support the Underhill Energy Committee.

17 August 2008

Energy Day: Think Global, Act Local!

Energy Day, Saturday, 13 September
George Hoguet, "Think Global, Act Local!"
Bob Murphy, "Saving Money Through Energy Efficiency"
Energy Fair (tables and booths)

All events at Underhill Town Hall.

Click the poster image to download a printable .pdf file.

Our Keynote speaker is George Hoguet, who will be speaking about climate change, our local contributions to greenhouse gas emissions, and local action that can be taken to reduce emissions.

George F. Hoguet
Director of Product Marketing
NativeEnergy, Inc

Mr. Hoguet is located at NativeEnergy’s headquarters in Vermont, where he is responsible for strategic planning and developing and managing the company’s product and service offering. In August 2007, he relocated from Pennsylvania where he was developing the market for renewable energy from animal waste on family dairy farms.

George holds a BSEE from the University of Dayton, Ohio, and worked in the electrical power and controls industry from the 1970’s - 1990’s advancing from field sales engineer through Director of Marketing roles. In 2001, he shifted into the environmental field as Coordinator for the Million Solar Roofs and Cool Pennsylvania programs.

He is a member of The Climate Project, the 1000 U.S. trained presenters for Al Gore’s slideshow from the film, An Inconvenient Truth, and has been a member of Citizens for Pennsylvania's Future, Penn Environment, and a Steering Committee member of the Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia.

15 August 2008

Energy Night Film Fest

Friday, 12 September 2008
Tentative schedule...
5:30-6:00 Kid-friendly films
6:00-7:00 Potluck
7:00-10:00 Increasingly adult films

Our film fest will feature films with energy and human power themes. There will be some audience choice.

Some likely titles include:

"What on Earth", a 9-minute animation in the form of a Martian naturalist interpreting the behavior of earth creatures;


"The Energy Carol"

"Energy and Matter"

"Return of the Scorcher", a bike culture and invention film;
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105248/ http://www.tedwhitegreenlight.com/

"Velorution: One City's Solution to the Automobile"

"Global Warming Collection"

Add you recommendations as a comment to this post.