05 February 2009

Energy and Climate Action at the Local Level in Vermont

At its 3 February 2009 regular meeting, the Underhill Energy Committee heard a presentation (.pdf) about climate and energy, community organizations and the projects that they undertake to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce energy consumption and increase the use of renewable energy sources. Debra Sachs, a natural resources planner with Community Climate Action, 10% Challenge Program, gave the presentation and helped to brainstorm some action items for the committee.

Some margin notes from the presentation:

During a discussion of biodiesel, Deb noted that the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources recommends B20 over B100 (pure biodiesel) in Vermont. Apparently, NOx and another EPA regulated pollutant, PM 2.5 (fine particulates) are approaching non-attainment in parts of Vermont.

ICLEI offers community greenhouse gas inventory software.

Deb helped elicit some project ideas:
  1. Press, stories related to energy and climate change
  2. Youth involvement, perhaps with a light bulb exchange program
  3. Town hall energy efficiency improvements
  4. Way to Go challenge
  5. Participation in the upcoming Conservation Day, 28 March.
  6. No-Idling Ordinance
  7. Town Plan recommendations
  8. Local acceleration of incandescent ban
  9. Seek grants: ANR funding has a 1 April deadline
  10. Network regionally