25 March 2009

Draft Meeting Minutes 24 March 2009


Minutes – March 24, 2009

Present: Tom Moore, Ch., Bob Murphy, Peter Duval, Irene Linde.
Guest: Nate Sullivan.

• Discussion of Conservation Fair on Saturday, March 28th. The Fair
will be held at the Browns River Middle School Cafeteria. Hours:
9:30am to l pm. The Energy Committee will have a table with
displays. Bob Murphy will man the table. Other members will be there.

• Tom and Roger Frey will meet with the Selectboard on Tuesday at
8:30 a.m. re:
energy aspects of the Town Hall repairs.

• Other: The Committee will ask Chris Murphy about grants for energy
Jericho is planning an Energy Committee. Phyl Newbeck
has requested,
and we will send, copies of our minutes

• Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by Tom,
second by Bob, and so voted.

• The meeting was adjourned at 8:48 on a motion by Peter, second by
Tom and so voted.

12 March 2009

Town Hall Weatherization Report

John Ashton recently conducted an weatherization audit of the Town Hall, and cursory inspection of the Town Garage. Here are the files: