12 December 2010

Meeting Minutes 8 December 2010

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
8 December 2010
Underhill Town Hall Kitchen


Call to Order: 7:10 pm
Present: Tom Moore, Irene Linde, Bob Murphy, Jerry Adams, Peter Duval, Chuck Weger (via Skype until 7:40), Steve Webster (7:50)

1) Smart Meters
Tom reported on a presentation about smart meters. They are being deployed across the state. Most people will have smart meters within a couple of years. Bob is in a five year pilot test of emonitor by pwerhousedynamics.com.

2) Energy Night/Day
We brainstormed about doing another Energy Night/Day event. To help ensure high turnout, we are going to do a series of smaller events leading up to Energy Night/Day. Schools, Senior Lunch, Library, Scouts were suggested as possible groups or places for the lead-up events. VEEP can help with presentations to kids.

Topic suggestions:
Town Hall Project Report
Ground Source Heat Pump debate
School Projects
Climate Crisis Update

Steve mentioned creating a regular program of educational events.

MOTION: (Irene, Bob) to appoint Chuck and Peter to co-chair Energy Night/Day programming. PASSED.

3) New Members
Two new members were suggested for recruitment.

4) Town Report
Town Reports are due. Bob will draft the report. Please submit information to Bob.

5) Gravel Pit
Brief discussion of the possible land acquisition and gravel pit.

6) Future Agenda Items

7) Adjournment: 9:00 pm
MOTION: (Steve, Bob) To adjourn. PASSED.

Respectfully Submitted,
Peter K Duval

08 December 2010

Meeting Minutes 17 November 2010

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
17 November 2010
Underhill Town Hall

Call to Order 7:00: No Quorum.
Present: Tom Moore, Steve Webster, Gerry Adams.

Information Discussed:
Geothermal systems and the success of the energy tour. Tom Moore had 40 people at his site.

Meeting Minutes 13 October 2010

No quorum.

8 December 2010 Agenda

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
8 December 2010
Underhill Town Hall Kitchen


Call to Order

1) Agenda

2) Public Comment

3) Minutes Approval

4) Correspondence

Old Business:

5) _____________________

6) _____________________

7) _____________________

New Business:

8) Energy Night/Day

9) Gravel Pit

10)Future Agenda Items


29 November 2010

Regular Meetings

Regular Meetings of the Energy Committee are now held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Kitchen.

12 September 2010

Special Meeting

The next meeting of the Energy Committee will coincide with a meeting of the Jericho Energy Task Force:

7:00 p.m.
15 September 2010
Jericho Town Hall

On the agenda:

1) Harvest Market Booth
2) Energy Tour

18 August 2010

Meeting Minutes 11 August 2010

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
11 August 2010
Underhill Town Hall

Call to Order 7:10
Present: Tom Moore, Steve Webster, Bob Murphy, Irene Linde, Peter Duval, Chuck Weger.

1) Tom's New House

Tom is building a new high performance house, which he expects will achieve LEED Gold certification. He showed a cross section of wall and roof assembly. He is using site-harvested tamarack for rot-resistant components. The wall assembly reflects conventional framing and typical renovation insulation. There is a drainage plane and rain screen. The interior is clear span to allow for future remodeling without requiring ceiling or floor alterations.

The foundation is insulated concrete form plus additional sheet foam on the outside, with a continuous Bituthene vapor barrier.

Windows are Pella triple pane, .24 U, with internal shades.

2) Biomass Study

Discussion of scale and sustainable harvesting. Chuck will follow up on the progress of the biomass study at a later meeting.

3) Energy Tour

Steve has been in discussion with folks from the Jericho Energy Task Force to organize this year's Energy Tour. This year the tour may be by vanpool instead of self-guided, with a beginning and end at the Jericho Community Center. They are looking for examples of several types of energy projects, including superinsulation, photovoltaics, solar thermal, biomass boiler, microhydro and passive solar.

The next meeting of the JETF will be 7pm, 18 August.

4) Harvest Market

The market is 25-26 September. There was a discussion of booth size. Chuck will coordinate and Bob will talk to VEEP about demonstration equipment. Tom will see if Scott Gardner will bring his infiltration display.


Bob & Steve plan to go to a joint meeting, 31 August, of the Jericho and Underhill selectboards about PACE, where they hope to find out about grant funding. Peter expressed concern that PACE, and efficiency programs in general are insufficient to the challenge of the climate crisis, and may lead to regrettable investments, particularly investments that would be stranded by a sustainable retreat. Alternative financing should be considered.

6) New Member Recruitment

Tom suggested a potential new member for the committee.

7) Adjournment, 9:00pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Peter Duval, Secretary

15 July 2010

Meeting Minutes 14 July 2010

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
14 July 2010
Underhill Town Hall

Call to Order 7:10
Present: Tom Moore, Jerry Adams, Irene Linde, Peter Duval, Chuck Weger (by video call)

1) Community Energy Mobilization Project

Participation in the home visit program was high. 49 homes were visited.

2) Australia

Chuck gave a brief tour of a home in Adelaide, Australia. Masonry construction and not much insulation. Electric hot water system is separately metered, with an off-peak timer control.

3) Discussion

There was a wide ranging discussion of building technologies, agriculture and climate change adaptation.

4) Adjournment, 9:00pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Peter Duval, Secretary

22 May 2010


We discussed a couple of ideas at the last meeting that appear in these papers.
When complex systems are being considered, this is a good place to start:

Leverage Points: places to intervene in a system

Another paper that touches on some fundamental issues:

Long-Term Global Heating From Energy Usage

What is relevant about this paper is that black body radiational cooling is the only way for heat to leave the Earth. Human activity -- even activity that avoids incremental emission of greenhouse gasses -- increases the temperature of the Earth.

Meeting Minutes 12 May 2010

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
12 May 2010
Underhill Town Hall

Call to Order 7:10
Present: Tom Moore, Jerry Adams, Bob Murphy, Irene Linde, Peter Duval (by phone)

1) The Future

Discussion of the future. Peter said that the climate crisis will dominate any discussion of energy -- and the trend is not good. As time progresses, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments have been worsening, and they tend to understate the problem.

Peter suggested that in addition to activities that are based on a no-regrets, incremental approach, we should start with the imperative of limiting greenhouse gas emissions to the amount that the IPCC recommends, allocated by population. For Americans, the required emission levels are a very severe reduction from current emissions. So severe that even the most dramatic of incremental changes will not be sufficient.

Peter said that, in order to address the problem, we need to completely change the way we think. Reading, art, conferences, planning exercises are ways that we can work on changing the way we think about a problem. It is very complex and beginning with a systems approach is a good place to start. Peter will make a reading recommendation.

Tom mentioned that kids are able to change more easily and we should put effort into education. Irene mentioned a central energy plant.

2) Energy Investment Bonding

Discussion of municipal bonding to finance renewable energy. Bob described the PACE bond financing of energy projects.   Jerry expressed concern about increasing staff at the town, particularly cross a threshold where full-time benefits would be extended to a new employee.  Burlington and three small towns have PACE in place. Peter Adamcyzk has a presentation that we can look at.

MOTION: (Irene, Jerry) To research municipal bonding for energy investment and make a recommendation to the Selectboard. UNANIMOUS.

3) Minutes

MOTION: (Jerry, Bob) To approve the minutes of the 14 April 2010 meeting.  UNANIMOUS.

4) Adjournment

MOTION (Jerry, Bob): To adjourn. UNANIMOUS 8:20pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Peter Duval, Secretary

25 April 2010

Meeting Minutes 14 April 2010

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
14 April 2010
Underhill Town Hall

Call to Order 7:05
Present: Tom Moore, Jerry Adams, Steve Webster, Bob Murphy, Irene Linde, Peter Duval (by phone, 7:10)

1) Vermont Community Energy Mobilization
 Steve reviewed the house visit procedures and the status of the project. We have interest from approximately 50 homes in Underhill and Jericho. Warehouse procedures are being revised.

2) Biomass
There is a regional committee forming to study wood pellets and wood fuel generally. Chuck will represent Underhill on the committee. The committee will study production and consumption of wood fuel.

3) Town Land-Use There is a committee forming to study establishing a special land-use plan. Irene will find out more about the effort and report back to the committee.

4) Recruitment Discussion of recruiting more members. We have many projects; having more hands available would help.

5) Energy Investment Bonding
Discussion of municipal bonding to finance renewable energy. Bob reports that 4 Vermont towns have approved this sort of financing.

6) Minutes
MOTION (Chuck, Steve): To approve the minutes of 3 March 2010. UNANIMOUS 8:20pm

7) Adjournment
MOTION (Jerry, Bob): To adjourn. UNANIMOUS 8:25pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Peter Duval, Secretary

06 March 2010

Meeting Minutes 3 March 2010

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
3 Mar 2010
Underhill Town Hall
Call to Order 7:05
Tom Moore, Jerry Adams, Steve Webster, Bob Murphy, Peter Duval (by phone, 7:15)

1) Vermont Community Energy Mobilization

Steve reviewed the house visit procedures and the status of the project. We have interest from approximately 20+4+3=27 houses in Underhill and Jericho. We need 40 minimum to meet the requirements of the grant. 13 houses are scheduled for the 13th.

Checklists for what to bring to the houses are at the warehouse. Jerry asked if we needed all of the safety equipment, particularly the respirators. He is concerned that wearing insulation protection could distress the homeowner, who is not protected.  Also, slip-on mukluk-style shoe covers would be nice to have for walking through the houses.

Homeowners will complete a preliminary information worksheet online -- and a waiver form. A report will be generated for homeowners.

Notice has been posted on two towns online. The town meeting oral report included mention of the project. Tom suggested that a sandwich board could be placed somewhere in town to remind residents of the free service and thanked Steve.

2) Town Hall

Bob reported that there is still some follow-up to be done with John Ashton on the project. The meeting room is very warm, even when it is unoccupied. Setback thermostats will help manage the temperature.

3) Town Meeting Results

Jerry remarked that the nearly blank ballot is an indication of the direction of the town. The Center's post office is always at risk of closing. Jerry noted the loss of the dump as a social place. The stores may soon be the only remaining social places.  Can we update the heating system at the post office?  There was additional discussion of post offices.

4) What's Next?:

Tom asked us to think about what we should work on next.

Steve mentioned educational activities.

Peter asked if we could bring attention to stores with reports on energy and financing, so that the town could begin to consider community development. Steve suggested that we look at transportation aspects of the stores and post office.

Peter mentioned development in Underhill Flats, and the possibility of a large thermal load, a pool. A brief discussion of cogeneration, district energy, and wood chips followed.

5) Regular Meetings:

It was decided that the regular meetings will be moved to the second Wednesdays of the month.  Jerry will discuss the change with Faith.

6) Adjournment:

MOTION (Jerry, Bob): To adjourn. UNANIMOUS 9:09pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Peter Duval, Secretary

01 March 2010

March Agenda

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
3 March 2010   (due to conflicts and town meeting day)
Underhill Town Hall

Call to Order

1) Agenda

2) Public Comment

3) Minutes Approval

4) Correspondence

Old Business:

5) VT Community Energy Mobilization

6) _____________________

7) _____________________

New Business:

8) Preparation for Annual Organization

9) _____________________



02 February 2010

Meeting Minutes 2 Feb 2010

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
2 Feb 2010
Underhill Town Hall
Call to Order 7:05
Tom Moore, Jerry Adams, Irene Linde, Steve Webster, Bob Murphy, Chuck Weger, Peter Duval (by video conference)

1) Vermont Community Energy Mobilization

Steve discussed the plan for pairs of volunteers to visit homes.  We have a warehouse on G.A.R. Place -- no loading dock, so we'll need to help unload the delivery truck. The goal is to visit 40 homes, and we can visit up to 5 per day.  We will conduct some practice visits.  We should move through the homes as a single group with the homeowner, and be careful to present ourselves as volunteers not experts.  Training is on the 13th, a week later we'll do a practice visit.  There are forms to fill out, including the 'BTU Report', which would be great to get to the homeowner in advanced.  At the practice session, 9 a.m. 20 Feb, we'll put together a preparatory checklist for the homeowner, and discuss items that are missed in the training.

Boy Scouts may be interested in going on the visits.  They must come with a Boy Scout adult.  This would increase the size of the party to 4: 2 project volunteers, and the Boy Scout with adult.

Peter asked if we might discuss space heating and clothing during the visits and suggested talking to Dan Clayton about warm clothing.

Bob said that setback thermostats were included in last year's bag of goodies for homeowners, but that there was some difficulty getting them installed. More discussion of thermostats and hot water heaters.  Hot water heaters for a time were supposed to set at 140 for health concerns, but now they are allowed to be 120 or lower.

Jerry mentioned a control system installed at Spafford's that uses variable speed circulators to reduce overshoot in the heating of rooms.

2) Town Hall

Bob pointed out that the town hall kitchen has a mercury switch thermostat.

Bob saw some ice buildup on the southwest corner of the building. There are two areas where there are hot spots on the roof. Bob borrowed a camera from VEIC. He spent some time looking around.  There were some spots that he missed in the walls.   Bob suspects that air is moving up through the walls into the attic.  He has had some conversations with John Ashton about it.  Bob is confident that John will return to fix the remaining voids in insulation.

Jerry asked about an air dam in the attic. Bob said that John 'Typarred' the lights, sealing them with building wrap to prevent air infiltration.  Jerry noted that Scott Gardner said that air can move horizontally through the fiberglass insulation.

Tom remarked that even without a foam seal in the attic, the town hall feels noticeably more comfortable. Discussion turned to an investigation to replace the lighting in the town hall.

MOTION: (Irene, Steve): To approach the selectboard to secure funding for the installation lighting and setback thermostats in the town hall.  UNANIMOUS.

4) Town Garage

Nate is working on the garage. The challenging part of the project is putting a boot around an exhaust stack that penetrates the roof.

5) What's Next?:
Tom asked us to think about what we should work on next.  Ideas included: transportation, town plan, conservation fair, farmers' market/harvest market.

6) Adjournment:
MOTION (Irene, Steve): To adjourn. UNANIMOUS 8:42 

31 January 2010

February Agenda

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
2 Feb 2010
Underhill Town Hall

Call to Order

1) Agenda

2) Public Comment

3) Minutes Approval

4) Correspondence

Old Business:

5) _____________________

6) _____________________

7) _____________________

New Business:

8) _____________________

9) _____________________



09 January 2010

Meeting Notes 5 Jan 2010

The meeting was canceled.