11 December 2009

December Meeting Minutes

[Retyped from the scanned image of notes by Irene]
MINUTES -- December 1, 2009
Present: Ch. Tom Moore, Bob Murphy, Gerry Adams, Steve Webster, Irene

1. The Committee looked at the Town Hall insulation job, estimated to
be finished Friday, December 4. Bob will speak to John Ashton with
questions regarding the windows and the protective (insulating) cover
of the access door in the ceiiling of the Administrator/Auditors'
office. The closure should be sealed. They will also discuss a date to
make the blower test, when John, Tom, and Bob can all attend.

2. Another bid is needed for the lighting installation in the big
hall. Tom will speak to Jim Ward. Bob will speak to Green Mt. Electric.

3. None present will be attending the Energy Conference in Fairlee.

4. Grant proposal: Steve Webster will finish the application, due
December 4th. He has talked to Paul Markowitz. Underhill will explore
joining with Charlotte and Shelburne in order to ease the reaching of
the 80-family goal required by the grant. There will be a training
date (if we get the grant) sometime between January and April. The
"help" would include checking on energy-efficient light bulbs, hot
water tank wraps, furnace servicing record, etc. We will pursue
getting information out to find people who need and want help with
these things.

5. Irene will attempt to get information about the School's plans for
energy savings programs.

6. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Next meeting January 6, 2010.
[Is this date a typo? The first Tuesday is January 5.]

14 October 2009

Meeting Notes 7 Oct 2009

Notes 7 October 2009
Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
Wednesday 7 October 2009
Underhill Town Hall

Present: Bob Murphy, Chuck Weger, Peter Duval.
Guest: Nate Sullivan (7:20)

Failing to attain a quorum, we were unable to call the meeting to order. We proceeded with informational reports from the members present...

Town Hall Update
Bob is working on specifications for the ceiling insulation project. He would like to see lighting renovated and recessed fixtures replaced with surface-mounted fixtures. The Selectboard would like all work to be accomplished by contractors rather than volunteers.

Harvest Market
Chuck reported that there was a lot of traffic at the booth. The bike generator was popular. Two VEEP representatives helped staff the booth. Steve Webster figured out how to fit a big tent into the booth space. Not much literature was taken from the booth and no one signed up to join the Energy Committee.

Green Home Exhibition
The Underhill Energy Committee was not represented at the Green Home Exhibition. Bob reported that it was poorly attended.

Energy Tour
Chuck reported that the Energy Tour was poorly attended, with 1-4 visitors at each home. Noting that this was the first year for the tour, we discussed ways to increase participation in the future:
1) annual repetition of the tour would build anticipation of the event;
2) charging a fee for the tour would establish value for the tour.

Town Garage
Nate Sullivan joined us for a discussion of immediate repairs to improve the situation at the Town Garage. Improving the collar around the flue stack is important. Door sealing was also discussed, but the benefits are weak in this situation.

Bituthene and its many virtues were discussed.

It is budget season and we should submit our request to the Selectboard.

Respectfully Submitted,
Peter K Duval, Secretary

02 October 2009

October Energy Committee Meeting

The October Energy Committee meeting will be Wednesday instead of the usual first Tuesday.  See you there, Wednesday 7 October at 7 p.m. in the Underhill Town Hall.


Minutes of last meeting
Town garage repair list
Harvest Festival review
Energy Tour review
Fairgrounds green show review
New business

24 September 2009

Button Up Workshop

Friday evening, October 16 from 6:30 – 9:00
at the Deborah Rawson Memorial Library


Want to reduce home energy use, but not sure where to start? Tired of cold or drafty spots around your house? Wondering what resources are available to help make efficiency improvements?

You’ll learn about all this and more by attending this free Button Up Vermont workshop!

Sponsored by the Jericho Energy Task Force and the Underhill Energy Committee, this workshop will focus on the greatest opportunities for saving energy in homes, finding and sealing air leaks, energy efficiency actions that people can take now, and where to find technical and financial resources to get started.

* Button Up Vermont’s specially trained presenter, John Ashton, will lead a slideshow to illustrate hands-on tips, bring samples of energy saving materials, show a how-to video, and provide free educational materials for everyone attending.

* Bob Murphy and George Twigg from Efficiency Vermont will be on hand to talk about some of the resources available through Efficiency Vermont. We’ll also have door prizes and serve light refreshments. No pre-registration is necessary. Come join your neighbors to learn first-hand how to Button Up Jericho and Underhill for the coming winter!

To find out more about this workshop, contact Valerie Wilkins at enerjericho@gmail.com or 899-5127.

Information is also available at www.helpforvt.org or by calling 1-888-921-5990

Energy Tour

Energy Tour [map]
Saturday, October 3 from 9:00 – 1:00

Want to learn first-hand how to reduce heating costs, increase energy conservation, and even generate surplus clean energy? You’ll learn about all this and more by visiting private homes and public buildings on this free, self-guided tour!

Sites around Jericho and Underhill will be open for the public to tour, ask questions, and discover ways your neighbors are conserving energy, saving money, and protecting the environment in our community. Examples of green features used in homes and buildings on the tour include passive solar heating (advantageous placement of windows), solar hot water collection and storage, the generation of electricity using photovoltaics (solar panels), use of energy-saving appliances and techniques (super-insulation and sealing air spaces), the use of water-saving fixtures, and more!

The tour is being organized by the Jericho Energy Task Force and the Underhill Energy Committee in conjunction with the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA)’s Green Buildings Open House.

To pick up a map of tour locations in Jericho and Underhill, head to:
* Jericho and Underhill Town Halls
* Public libraries in Jericho and Underhill

If you have any questions about the Jericho-Underhill Energy Tour, please contact:
* In Jericho, Andrew Albright at (802) 899-1246 or enerjericho@gmail.com
* In Underhill, Steve Webster at (802) 825-8871 or swebster@sbschools.net

23 September 2009

Harvest Market

The Jericho Energy Task Force and the Underhill Energy Committee will jointly host a booth at the annual Harvest Market, September 26-27. Visit the booth for information on upcoming events -- the Energy Tour and the Button Up Workshop. Ride the bicycle generator!

05 August 2009

Meeting Minutes 2 June 2009

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Underhill Town Hall

Present: Tom Moore, Bob Murphy, Chuck Weger, Jerry Adams, Irene Linde, Peter Duval.

Call to Order

Tom Moore was elected Chair. Bob Murphy was elected Vice Chair. Peter Duval was elected

Collaboration with Rec Committee
We discussed the pond privy and rocket stove/grill at the town pond. Peter will bring
the ideas to the Recreation Committee at their next meeting.

Collaboration with Jericho Energy group
Tom received an invitation to visit the Jericho Energy group to discuss collaboration.

Town Plan Energy Chapter
We discussed energy policy for the new town plan. Time is short to participate in the
planning process. Peter will circulate a draft Policy by Monday, June 10.

Future Agenda Items
We discussed possible future activities/agenda items for the Energy Committee, including:
Harvest Market Table
Energy Night/Day
Tabling Kit
Town Plan
Reading Group Book
Planning Activity (Brainstorming Themes, Policy, Projects, Events, etc.)


Respectfully Submitted,
Peter K Duval, Secretary

Approved, 4 Aug 2009
Tom Moore, Chair

Meeting Minutes 7 July 2009

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Underhill Town Hall

Present: Tom Moore, Bob Murphy, Chuck Weger, Jerry Adams, Irene Linde, Peter Duval.

Call to Order by Tom Moore at 7:05

Collaboration with Jericho Energy group
Tom attended the Jericho Energy group meeting. A joint house tour will be planned for
October. Interesting in a joint booth at Harvest Market, too. Motion Bob, 2nd Jerry: to
form a subcommittee to organize with the Jericho Committee for a Harvest Market booth.
Unanimously accepted. Chuck (chair) and Bob appointed to the committee.

Collaboration with Rec Committee
Peter attended the Rec Committee meeting and the Privy idea was well received. Keith
Nelson willing to work on the project. Motion Bob, 2nd Irene: to form a joint
subcommittee with the Rec Committee to develop the pond privy project.

Town Plan Energy Chapter
We discussed energy policy and Peter's draft. Priority items were identified. Irene will
redraft, circulate and submit to the Planning Commission.

Future Agenda Items
We discussed possible agenda items for the next Energy Committee meeting, including:
Harvest Market Table
Grant Update
Town Hall Improvements
Home Tour
Town Plan

Motion (Jerry, Bob) to Adjourn at 9:45.

Respectfully Submitted,
Peter K Duval, Secretary

Approved, 4 August 2009
Tom Moore, Chair

Draft Meeting Minutes 4 August 2009

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Underhill Town Hall

Present: Tom Moore, Jerry Adams, Roger Frey, Irene Linde, Peter Duval.
Guests: Ann Gnagey, Valerie Wilkins

Call to Order by Tom Moore at 7:10

Home Tour
Ann Gnagey, Jericho Energy Task Force, described the Home Tour, planned for 17 October. Discussion of various details: promotion, schedule. Tom will continue to coordinate with Ann.

Valerie Wilkins, Jericho Energy Task Force, discussed the Button-Up presentation, planned for October 16 at the Deborah Rawson Library. Tom will continue to coordinate withValerie.

Harvest Market
Jericho Energy Task Force would like to collaborate on the booth at Harvest Market.

Minutes approved without amendments:
2 June 2009 (Motion Roger, 2nd Irene)
7 July 2009 (Motion Irene, 2nd Roger)


Public Comment

Town Plan Energy Chapter
The chapter was read, and discussion followed regarding the responsibilities of the Committee and the Town Plan process.

Town Hall/Grant Update
Discussion about the

Collaboration with Rec Committee
Peter attended the Rec Committee meeting and the Privy idea was well received. Keith
Nelson willing to work on the project. Motion Bob, 2nd Irene: to form a joint
subcommittee with the Rec Committee to develop the pond privy project.

Town Plan Energy Chapter
We discussed energy policy and Peter's draft. Priority items were identified. Irene will
redraft, circulate and submit to the Planning Commission.

Town Hall/Grant
Discussion of grant prospects, potential to proceed with energy improvements, and opportunites for additional studies and project planning. Peter to contact UVM Historic Preservation Department about making the Town Hall the subject of an advocacy project. Discussion of conducting a comprehensive energy audit. Tom will invite Scott Gardner to the next meeting for a review of the project and general discussion of energy audits.

Additional Meeting Planned
The Energy Committee will meet 7pm, 18 August 2009 at the Town Hall. The agenda will include follow-up related to Town Hall improvements.

Motion Roger, 2nd Jerry: to Adjourn at 9:05.

Respectfully Submitted,
Peter K Duval

10 April 2009

Draft Meeting Minutes 7 April 2009

Minutes, April 7, 2009

Present: Tom Moore, Ch., Chuck Weger, Jerry Adams, Irene Linde

Tom Moore reported on the meeting with the Selectboard (Dan Steinbauer, Steve Owens) The Energy Comm.’s Mission Statement was accepted. The SB asked
to have included the statement regarding the importance of communication
with other Underhill Committees. Nate Sullivan will submit a list of what
repairs might be included in the Town garage project, together with
supplies needed and, if possible, costs.
For the Town Hall project: The SB is handling the roofing contract, and is also
agreeable to having the energy Committee submit recommendations for work to
be done and estimates of cost. Bob Murphy will work on a grant request for this

Tom Moore and Chuck Wegner will attend the CCRPC meeting in Williston on Thursday, April 16.

Discussed energy-saving projects.
4. Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m. The next regular meeting will be May 5.

25 March 2009

Draft Meeting Minutes 24 March 2009


Minutes – March 24, 2009

Present: Tom Moore, Ch., Bob Murphy, Peter Duval, Irene Linde.
Guest: Nate Sullivan.

• Discussion of Conservation Fair on Saturday, March 28th. The Fair
will be held at the Browns River Middle School Cafeteria. Hours:
9:30am to l pm. The Energy Committee will have a table with
displays. Bob Murphy will man the table. Other members will be there.

• Tom and Roger Frey will meet with the Selectboard on Tuesday at
8:30 a.m. re:
energy aspects of the Town Hall repairs.

• Other: The Committee will ask Chris Murphy about grants for energy
Jericho is planning an Energy Committee. Phyl Newbeck
has requested,
and we will send, copies of our minutes

• Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by Tom,
second by Bob, and so voted.

• The meeting was adjourned at 8:48 on a motion by Peter, second by
Tom and so voted.

12 March 2009

Town Hall Weatherization Report

John Ashton recently conducted an weatherization audit of the Town Hall, and cursory inspection of the Town Garage. Here are the files:

05 February 2009

Energy and Climate Action at the Local Level in Vermont

At its 3 February 2009 regular meeting, the Underhill Energy Committee heard a presentation (.pdf) about climate and energy, community organizations and the projects that they undertake to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce energy consumption and increase the use of renewable energy sources. Debra Sachs, a natural resources planner with Community Climate Action, 10% Challenge Program, gave the presentation and helped to brainstorm some action items for the committee.

Some margin notes from the presentation:

During a discussion of biodiesel, Deb noted that the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources recommends B20 over B100 (pure biodiesel) in Vermont. Apparently, NOx and another EPA regulated pollutant, PM 2.5 (fine particulates) are approaching non-attainment in parts of Vermont.

ICLEI offers community greenhouse gas inventory software.

Deb helped elicit some project ideas:
  1. Press, stories related to energy and climate change
  2. Youth involvement, perhaps with a light bulb exchange program
  3. Town hall energy efficiency improvements
  4. Way to Go challenge
  5. Participation in the upcoming Conservation Day, 28 March.
  6. No-Idling Ordinance
  7. Town Plan recommendations
  8. Local acceleration of incandescent ban
  9. Seek grants: ANR funding has a 1 April deadline
  10. Network regionally

16 January 2009

Energy Night Films

Leading up to Energy Night, we posted a list of films. Here's what was actually shown, a mix of films on tape, DVD, iPhoto, and YouTube:

"What on Earth"

"The Energy Carol"

"No Parking Hare", Bugs Bunny outsmarts a freeway builder

"White Trax", downhill unicycling on snow

"Aprovecho Research Centre, Southern Africa, Rocket Stoves"

"Building a Rocket Stove"

"Advanced Woodstove Technology"

"John and Kirstin's Masonry Heater"

"Return of the Scorcher", a bike culture and invention film;
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105248/ http://www.tedwhitegreenlight.com/

The bicycle scene from "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid"