12 December 2010

Meeting Minutes 8 December 2010

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
8 December 2010
Underhill Town Hall Kitchen


Call to Order: 7:10 pm
Present: Tom Moore, Irene Linde, Bob Murphy, Jerry Adams, Peter Duval, Chuck Weger (via Skype until 7:40), Steve Webster (7:50)

1) Smart Meters
Tom reported on a presentation about smart meters. They are being deployed across the state. Most people will have smart meters within a couple of years. Bob is in a five year pilot test of emonitor by pwerhousedynamics.com.

2) Energy Night/Day
We brainstormed about doing another Energy Night/Day event. To help ensure high turnout, we are going to do a series of smaller events leading up to Energy Night/Day. Schools, Senior Lunch, Library, Scouts were suggested as possible groups or places for the lead-up events. VEEP can help with presentations to kids.

Topic suggestions:
Town Hall Project Report
Ground Source Heat Pump debate
School Projects
Climate Crisis Update

Steve mentioned creating a regular program of educational events.

MOTION: (Irene, Bob) to appoint Chuck and Peter to co-chair Energy Night/Day programming. PASSED.

3) New Members
Two new members were suggested for recruitment.

4) Town Report
Town Reports are due. Bob will draft the report. Please submit information to Bob.

5) Gravel Pit
Brief discussion of the possible land acquisition and gravel pit.

6) Future Agenda Items

7) Adjournment: 9:00 pm
MOTION: (Steve, Bob) To adjourn. PASSED.

Respectfully Submitted,
Peter K Duval

08 December 2010

Meeting Minutes 17 November 2010

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
17 November 2010
Underhill Town Hall

Call to Order 7:00: No Quorum.
Present: Tom Moore, Steve Webster, Gerry Adams.

Information Discussed:
Geothermal systems and the success of the energy tour. Tom Moore had 40 people at his site.

Meeting Minutes 13 October 2010

No quorum.

8 December 2010 Agenda

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
8 December 2010
Underhill Town Hall Kitchen


Call to Order

1) Agenda

2) Public Comment

3) Minutes Approval

4) Correspondence

Old Business:

5) _____________________

6) _____________________

7) _____________________

New Business:

8) Energy Night/Day

9) Gravel Pit

10)Future Agenda Items
