18 March 2011

Minutes 9 March 2011

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
7:00 pm
9 March 2010
Underhill Town Hall Kitchen


Call to Order: 7:15 pm
Present: Tom Moore, Chris Miller, Bob Murphy, Jerry Adams, Peter Duval (via Skype), Chuck Weger, Steve Webster

1) Tom's House
Tom will be moving into his new house this weekend. The blower door test was 400CFM@50 for 2900 ft^2; with attached garage and unfinished space it was 650CFM@50. Special attention was paid to using Low VOC finishes.

Tom will be having open houses for the next few weeks. The Energy Committee is invited to a special tour with extended investigation of energy features.

2 ) All Hazard Mitigation Plan
Peter suggested that we write a letter to the Selectboard, encouraging that energy and climate crisis issues be included in the plan. The plan should consider the anticipated increase in frequency and severity of storm events, hotter weather, and potential climate related events, such as:
long-term electrical supply disruption
petroleum supply disruption
food crisis
ground water contamination (Underground Storage Tanks, Dump)
environmental refugee in-migration

Also, earthquakes do occur in Vermont and should be considered even if just to quantify a low risk.

Bob described recent events in the development of the PACE program. The original PACE idea died when the big housing lenders declared that PACE loans had to take lien position inferior to the mortage. House bill 155 establishes a state-run PACE program. Underhill rejected the PACE article at town meeting. No action anticipated until bill H-155 is enacted.

4) Gravel Pit
Transportation and labor for gravel collection from distant pits is expensive and energy intensive. Tom suggested that we meet with the selectboard to discuss the gravel pit and hazard planning.

5) School Presentation

Steve suggested that we give a presentation this year at one of the schools. Bob reported that VEEP is inactive at the moment.

MOTION: (Peter, Chuck) to form a subcommittee, chaired by Steve, to create a presentation event for the Browns River Middle School this school year. PASSED.

The subcommittee will meet at Chuck's house, 9 a.m. Saturday, 19 March. Chris suggested a game for guessing appliance power consumption. Steve will create a google doc to receive suggestions and plans for the event.

6) Town Hall Project
Bob reported that John Ashton had returned to reinsulate some of the areas that did not receive adequate insulation. There was an area that experienced ice damming, and the cellulose was soaked enough to produce brown icicles on the clapboard, below.

MOTION: (Bob, Peter) To Adjourn. UNANIMOUS.
Meeting ended at 10:40.

Respectfully Submitted,
-Peter Duval

To Do:

Steve -- google doc for school event.
Tom -- meeting with selectboard.