15 March 2013

My New Meter

I don't like calling them smart meters, because it reminds me of such oxymorons as smart growth and SmartBoards, but the new electric meters are a good idea. Here's what it's like to have the meter swapped.

The installer goes everywhere to install new meters. That's why he's got the snowmobile:








14 March 2013

Get some LED lamps

Modern light emitting diode (LED) lamps provide excellent light, instant start, and long life -- all while using  less energy than the best compact flourescent lamps,  and far less than incandescent bulbs.

LEDs are finally available at reasonable prices ($7+), thanks to rapidly lowering costs and Efficiency Vermont incentives. Right now, the best incentives on the best lamps are at the local electrical supply companies, Twin State CED (behind Pet Food Warehouse on Williston Road) and Walsh (Route 7 at Champlain Dr., north of Costco).  They have a good selection of sizes, and the knowledge to help you pick the right lamp for your application.

The Underhill Energy Committee encourages Underhill residents to take advantage of these "while supplies last" sales.