03 September 2008

Meeting Minutes, Underhill Energy Committee 26 Aug 2008

Underhill Energy Committee

Meeting Minutes ,7:00 p.m. August 26, 2008

Members Present: Tom Moore, Irene Linde, Jerry Adams(7:45), Peter Duval.

Guest: Roger Frei

7:25 p.m.

Call to Order

Energy Day/Night

Members gave updates on their activities in preparation up to the event.

Tom is organizing the Energy Fair. An announcement was placed in the
St. Thomas church bulletin.

Jerry is organizing the recruitment of volunteers and identification
of persons who will need help this winter. He has a booth plan, with
cards to fill in for contacts, which go in sap buckets.

Irene is working on supplies and food. Compostable

Peter is working on the Energy Night activities and a bookmark/program
to promote the events. Kid films, potluck, energy projects, more
films. The more people who show up, the more food, projects, and
organizing help will be available. The bookmark will be distributed
to Underhill schools and Rawson Library.

We discussed the budget, and arrived at $250 for the whole event:

$70 Energy Night (DVDs)


$100 Energy Day Food

$40 Speakers Gift

$10 Contingency


Roger Frei discussed his interest in being a member of the Energy

Motion: Tom Nominated Roger Frei to the open position on the
committee. Irene seconded. Passed unanimously.

Button-Up Vermont

Button-up Vermont is asking for local organizers for their do-it-
yourself efficiency/weatherization project training program. Tom will
contact Button-up to begin arranging for the training date..

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be 7:00 p.m. September 9, at the Town Hall

8:35 p.m.

Motion: Gerry moved to adjourn. Seconded by Irene. Motion passed

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Duval

Read and Approved as submitted/amended


Tom Moore, Chair Date

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